Plástico Brasil is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC



Next edition: March 24-28, 2025
10am to 7pm | São Paulo Expo
Rod. dos Imigrantes - KM 1,5 - Brazil


Exhibitor, welcome to Plástico Brasil!

Here you will find some of the materials and accesses you need to make your participation in the event even more successful! Start now to publicize your participation in the 4th edition of Plástico Brasil.

The materials below are available in various sizes for you to use as you prefer!

Access the Exhibitor Portal to request services, associate your suppliers and fill in your exhibitor credentials.

Access the digital showcase and fill in your company information; our visitors look in the showcase for what they are going to look for at the fair!

Promote your participation in Plástico Brasil

With the official promotional materials from Plástico Brasil, you can promote your participation and invite your clients to visit your booth to conduct good business during the fair.

We have Plástico Brasil logos available in Portuguese/English/Spanish and two different banner layouts, with the slogans “You are our guest” and “Visit our booth,” for you to use whichever you prefer.

Downloading is quick and easy, just click the buttons below and the download will be done.

If you need any customized material, please contact the marketing team at the email: [email protected]


Exhibitor Service Center
Telefone: +55 (11) 5043-9680
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Operational and Projects
E-mail: [email protected]